Designate 1 Hour of Prayer for the sanctity of Life each day on your own: at home, in the car, wherever you are.
Hold 1 Hour Vigil outside of Planned Parenthood once per week. Sign up online
Join the Rosary for Life on the 1st Monday of the month outside the Oshkosh Planned Parenthood.
Gather - Ask your friends to pray with you. Meeting friends for lunch, party, play date, etc. Begin each gathering in prayer with a special intention for those contemplating abortion: That they choose Life.
Pray not only for those who believe abortion is their only option but also the medical personnel providing them: That they have a change of heart.
Pray about (discern) the type of fast God is calling you to endure.
Fasting as a sacrifice for the good of another (or a cause) – Life- is a “humble way of asking for God’s mercy or intercession.”
Ways of fasting:
Removal of an unhealthy habit from your life.
Limit food, drinks, etc (within reason) for one day or more a week.
Daily fast until a specific time of day (if medically able.)
Limit yourself for a specific period of time, ie. 40 Days