The name of each Catholic parish has a special meaning or patron. Our parish is under the patronage of the Most Blessed Sacrament. On Feast of Corpus Christi - the Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - we celebrate the charisms and gifts particular to our parish. Please join us for our celebrations this year on Sunday, June 11!
The bishops of the United States have called for a Eucharistic Revival in the Church. Bishop Ricken has written a beautiful letter to our Diocese on the power of the Eucharist. You’re Invited to kindle or rekindle your love of Jesus in the Eucharist during this time of Revival and Worship by joining in a small group study of the Bishop's pastoral letter. The Small Group Studies will take place on Tuesdays in June & July at 1PM or 6PM.
The bishops of the United States have called for a Eucharistic Revival in the Church. Bishop Ricken has written a beautiful letter to our Diocese on the power of the Eucharist. You’re Invited to kindle or rekindle your love of Jesus in the Eucharist during this time of Revival and Worship by joining in a small group study of the Bishop's pastoral letter. The Small Group Studies will take place on Tuesdays in June & July at 1PM or 6PM.
The Missionary Leadership Institute is designed to serve the needs of a wide variety of parish leaders who seek to: - Discern their vocation: their particular call to holiness - Be formed as leaders to evangelize and disciple others - Receive the tools to foster a culture of missionary disciple - Serve more effectively as lay ecclesial ministers (parish staff)