Small groups are a great chance for developing strong friendships and partners in discipleship, having accountability to your Lenten promises, and growing in your spiritual life. Learn about this year's Lenten Small Groups - forming now!
Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario: Jesús se estaba volviendo muy popular, al menos entre la gente común. Habían visto cómo curaba a los enfermos y expulsaba demonios. El evangelio tiene una frase inusual sobre esos demonios: Jesús no les dejó hablar “porque sabían quién era él”. (Mc 1,34) Al parecer, los demonios lo habrían identificado como el Hijo de Dios. Jesús sabía que la gente no entendería esto y trataría de proclamarlo como su rey. Jesús no tenía ninguna intención de vivir como un rey mundano, en comodidades y riquezas. De hecho, vino para liberar a la gente de la necesidad de riqueza y poder.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus was starting to become very popular, at least with the ordinary people. They had seen how he had cured the sick and cast out demons. The gospel has one unusual sentence about those demons: Jesus did not let them speak “because they knew who he was.” (Mk 1:34) Apparently, the demons would have identified him as the Son of God.
As part of our parish strategic planning process, Burning Hearts Disciples is facilitating input sessions to allow our community to dream and pray together about where the Holy Spirit is leading us. The sessions will also gather insights on the parish's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and share data gathered by the diocese and the parish leadership.
Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario: Uno de los deberes más difíciles de un discípulo es seguir el mandato de Jesús de difundir el evangelio a todas las naciones. (Lc 24,47, Mc 116,15, Mt 28,19) Creo que una razón puede ser que no sentimos que tenemos la autoridad para decirle a otra persona qué debe creer. La mayoría de nosotros no creemos que conocemos el evangelio lo suficientemente bien como para predicarlo. O tenemos tanto miedo de ofender a los ateos que utilizamos ese miedo como excusa para no decir nada. Pero ser discípulo significa seguir a Jesús. El evangelio de este domingo menciona dos veces que Jesús enseñó con más autoridad que cualquiera de los líderes religiosos de Israel. ¿Cómo podemos conseguir tal autoridad nosotros?
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: One of the most difficult duties of a disciple is to follow the command of Jesus to spread the gospel to all nations. (Lk 24:47, Mk 116:15, Mt 28:19) I think one reason may be that we don’t feel we have the authority to tell someone else what to believe. Most of us don’t think we know the gospel well enough to preach it. Or we are so afraid of offending atheists, that we use that fear as an excuse to say nothing. But being a disciple means following Jesus. The gospel this Sunday mentions twice that Jesus taught with more authority than any of religious leaders of Israel. So how can we get such authority?
Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario: En la lectura de Jonás, Dios le dijo que predicara el arrepentimiento al pueblo de Nínive. Cuando toda la ciudad se arrepintió el primer día, lo demostraron vistiéndose de arpillera y ayunando de los alimentos. A veces podríamos pensar de esa manera: que arrepentirnos significa castigarnos a nosotros mismos o sentir pena. Jesús ve las cosas de otra forma.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: In the reading from Jonah, God told him to preach repentance to the people of Nineveh. When the whole city repented the very first day, they showed it by wearing sackcloth and fasting from food. Sometimes we might think that way: That repenting means punishing ourselves or feeling sorry. Jesus sees things differently.
Eucharistic adoration has resumed in the side chapel at St. Peter Catholic Church (435 High Ave). Adoration is available Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm. The Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel remains closed until the investigation is complete and a robust security solution is identified.
Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario: Justo antes de la primera lectura dicen las Escrituras que “la palabra del Señor era rara; no hubo muchas visiones”. (1 Sam 3,1) Me imagino que la mayoría de la gente hoy en día pensaría que eso es cierto. ¿Nunca has deseado vivir en tiempos bíblicos para presenciar unos de los milagros que has leído? ¿No sería genial escuchar al Señor hablar en una visión? ¿Crees que Dios ha dejado de hablar? Parece que la gente se sentía así en la época de Samuel. Analicemos la lectura para ver qué nos puede enseñar la experiencia de Samuel.
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Just before our first reading it says that “the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions.” (1Sam 3:1) I imagine most people today would think that was true. Haven’t you ever wished you lived in biblical times, to see some of the miracles you read about? Wouldn’t it be cool to hear the Lord speaking in a vision? Do you think God has stopped talking? People apparently felt that way in Samuel’s time. Let’s look at the reading to see what Samuel’s experience can teach us.
A city wide Mass of Reparation will be held at 1:00pm on Sunday, January 14th at the Most Blessed Sacrament St. Mary church. After Mass, we will have a Eucharistic procession and time of adoration with the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm, and Benediction at 4pm. All are welcome to attend and experience a Catholic Mass, procession, and adoration.
The evening of Friday, December 29, 2023, the Holy Eucharist was stolen from the Oshkosh Adoration Chapel located at the Most Blessed Sacrament Saint Mary site (605 Merritt Ave).
Over the past months, Fr. Jerry and our parish leadership - including the newly formed parish pastoral council - have prayerfully discerned and decided to initiate a strategic planning process to guide us into a future filled with purpose, clarity of mission, and abundant life and growth.
La Epifanía del Señor: ¿Sabías que la única razón por la que decimos que hubo tres reyes magos es porque trajeron tres regalos? La Biblia nunca dice cuántos eran ni sus nombres. Los regalos nos hablan de quienes los dan. Y estos regalos especiales (oro, incienso y mirra) nos dicen mucho.
The Epiphany of the Lord: Did you know that the only reason we say that there were three wise men is that they brought three gifts? The Bible never says their number or their names. The gifts tell us about the givers. And these special gifts—gold, frankincense, and myrrh—tell us much.