Trigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Uno de los santos más populares de la época medieval fue el soldado húngaro conocido como Martín Caballero o Martín de Tours (c. 315‑397). Esta popularidad se debió a su biografía escrita por un discípulo, Sulpicio Severo. Su vida fue el mejor ejemplo de santidad a través de varios siglos. Contiene esta biografía muchos de los acontecimientos, enseñanzas y milagros de la vida del santo que fue soldado en el ejército romano antes de su conversión. Muchos ignoran que fue monje, misionero y obispo por muchos años.
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Every four years, we engage in one of the core activities of our democratic system: a presidential election. Actually, the institution of election can be traced to traditions in the Church, and although bishops are no longer chosen in this way, abbots and abbesses (heads of monastic communities) have almost always been elected by full voting members of their communities. The lifetime appointment begins when the monks or nuns are gathered in “chapter” at the death or resignation of the abbot, and fortunately for all involved, campaigning is not allowed! The members of the community discern, with prayer to the Holy Spirit, who among them is the best suited for leadership.
Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Cuando piensas en Jesús, ¿cuál crees que era su trabajo? ¿Sanador de enfermos, cojos y ciegos, como en el Evangelio de hoy? ¿Predicador? ¿Maestro? ¿Líder de hombres? ¿Mesías? La segunda lectura de Hebreos nos recuerda su deber principal: Sacerdote. Lo llama Sumo Sacerdote, haciendo referencia al sacerdocio judío en el que se elegía a un sacerdote cada año para ofrecer los sacrificios más importantes y así pedirle a Dios el perdón de los pecados del pueblo. Ahora bien, esto puede sonar a religión primitiva, pero en realidad nos permite entender a Jesús aún mejor.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
When you think of Jesus, what do you think was his job? Healer of the sick, the lame and the blind, as in today’s gospel? Preacher? Teacher? Leader of men? Messiah? The second reading from Hebrews reminds us of his main duty: Priest. It calls him a High Priest, referring to the Jewish priesthood in which one priest was chosen each year to offer the most important sacrifices and so appeal to God for forgiveness of the peoples’ sins. Now this may sound like primitive religion, but it actually lets us understand Jesus even better.
Vigésimo noveno domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
En el Evangelio de Marcos, hay una breve descripción de la Última Cena, sin el lavatorio de pies de los discípulos que se encuentra en el evangelio de Juan. El pasaje de hoy tiene un mensaje semejante. Aunque Santiago y Juan parecen ser amigos cercanos de Jesús, obviamente no han aprendido lo que significa seguirlo. Pero piensan que este es el momento de pedir su parte en la gloria del Reino de Jesús.
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time In Mark’s gospel, he has a short description of the Last Supper, without the washing of the disciples’ feet found in the gospel of John. Today’s passage has a similar message. While James and John seem to be close friends of Jesus, they obviously have not learned what it means to follow him. But they think this is the time to ask for their share in the glory of Jesus’ Kingdom.
In 2023, our parish Lenten Almsgiving fundraiser exceeded its $10,000 goal in under four weeks. The Outreach Mission Team has partnered with local nonprofits to ensure funds were allocated responsibly, focusing on verified needs. Over the past two years, the parish has assisted individuals with rent, utilities, refugee resettlement, and more. We've also launched new programs, including a pantry for underprivileged children and Helping Hands Care Bags for the homeless. A portion of funds saved a parish family's relatives fleeing persecution. Current balance: $8,184.52.
Vigésimo octavo domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Se supone que la primera lectura nos recuerda a Salomón, quien, cuando Dios le prometió darle todo lo que pidiera, eligió la sabiduría por encima de la riqueza o el poder. Hoy en día, nuestra imagen moderna de la sabiduría suele parecerse al conocimiento y la experiencia de una persona mayor. En las Escrituras, lo que se desea es la Sabiduría de Dios. Más que los dichos sabios de Benjamin Franklin o Yoda, la sabiduría de las Escrituras significa hacer la voluntad de Dios en todas las cosas. Como Jesús intentó decirle al hombre del Evangelio, conocer y hacer la voluntad de Dios es más precioso que la riqueza, ¡o incluso la familia!
The Outreach Mission Team will be sponsoring a Hat and Mitten drive benefitting WIT Academy, the Oshkosh Area School District program operating in our Mission Center. A donation bin will be located at the back of each of our worship sites from October 13 - November 17, 2024.
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time he first reading is supposed to remind us of Solomon, who, when God promised to give him whatever he asked, chose wisdom over wealth or power. Now our modern view of wisdom is usually pictured as the knowledge and experience of an older person. In the scriptures it is God’s Wisdom that is desired. More than just the wise sayings of a Benjamin Franklin or Yoda, scriptural wisdom means doing God’s will in all things. As Jesus tried to tell the man in the gospel, knowing and doing God’s will is more precious than wealth, or even family!
Our parish's current Treasurer Trustee, Dave Van Spankeren, has reached the end of his term/ It is time to elect our Parish Treasurer Trustee for the next two fiscal years. This person should be an active and responsible missionary disciple from our parish who can serve as an advisor and counselor.
The Trustee is part of the corporate board, serves on the Finance Council, and with the Finance Council assures that records of all parish property, property tax documents and parish inventory are maintained by appropriate personnel. If you know someone who would be a good fit for this role, please submit that name in writing to Father Jerry for his consideration.
Father will have information about the nominees for the parish to consider at Masses in November and elections will take place the weekend of November 23 & 24.