On Saturday, April 20, key leaders from the parish gathered to develop the first draft of goals for each Mission Team that will form the foundation of our 5 year Strategic Plan.
Quinto domingo de Pascua En la lectura de la primera carta de San Juan, habla de que nuestra conciencia nos reprocha. (1 Juan 3,20) Se refiere a la vergüenza que sentimos cuando hacemos algo pecaminoso. Cuando dice que Dios es más grande que nuestra conciencia, quiere decir que incluso cuando sabemos que hemos pecado, incluso si nos sentimos indignos de ser perdonados, Dios sigue siendo un Dios que perdona, que no espera que seamos “dignos”. Él espera pacientemente que le pidamos su misericordia, que queramos su perdón. Entonces, cuando confesamos nuestros pecados, no debemos dudar de que somos perdonados.
Fifth Sunday of Easter In the reading from St. John’s first letter, he talks about our hearts condemning us. (1 John 3:20) He is referring to the shame we feel when we do something sinful. When he says God is greater than our hearts he means that even when we know we have sinned, even if we feel unworthy to be forgiven, God is still a forgiving God, who doesn’t wait for us to be “worthy.” He patiently waits for us to ask for his mercy, to want his forgiveness. So when we confess our sins, we need not doubt that we are forgiven.
First and Third Tuesdays of the month through July - begins May 7. Join us for a course on how to use the defense of our faith to effectively to share Jesus with others and become more confident ourselves. It will focus on special content to connect practical answers to common questions with a focus on sharing the Gospel.
Cuarto domingo de Pascua En la lectura de los Hechos, Pedro explica a los líderes de Israel cómo curaron a un hombre enfermo. Probablemente esperaban que Pedro se atribuyera el mérito de la cura, y estaban esperando a que se condenara a sí mismo con sus propias palabras. Pedro, por supuesto, le da el crédito a Jesús y luego señala dos puntos importantes.
Fourth Sunday of Easter In the reading from Acts, Peter explains to the leaders of Israel how they cured a crippled man. They probably expected Peter to take credit for the cure, so they were waiting for him to hang himself by his words. Peter, of course, gives the credit to Jesus and then makes two important points.
Tercer domingo de Pascua Pedro parece ser bastante duro con sus oyentes en la primera lectura. Dice que entregaron a Jesús, lo negaron ante Pilato, pidieron que se liberara a un asesino en su lugar y mataron a Jesús. Debieron haber pensado que estaban condenados. De repente, les dice que simplemente eran ignorantes y que Dios había planeado todo esto hace mucho tiempo. Entonces, ¿está diciendo que la muerte de Jesús es culpa de ellos o simplemente del destino?
Third Sunday of Easter Peter seems to be pretty tough with his listeners in the first reading. He says they handed Jesus over, denied him before Pilate, asked for a murderer to be released in his place, and put Jesus to death. They must have thought they were doomed. Suddenly, he tells them they were just ignorant. And that God had planned all this long ago. So is he saying Jesus’ death is their fault, or just fate?
We had about 50 people respond to the online survey or attend one of the in-person listening sessions. There were lively discussions at the in person sessions that generated many strengths and opportunities for our parish as well as pointing out areas in which we can improve.
Have you dreamed of going on pilgrimage to Rome, and seeing the center of the Catholic faith? The parish is exploring pilgrimage options to the Eternal City and other locations in Italy to celebrate the Jubilee in October 2025. Interested parishioners should sign up to learn more
El capítulo 20 del Evangelio de Juan enfatiza la paz y el Espíritu Santo habitando dentro de nosotros. La primera palabra de Cristo después de su muerte es "Paz". No soy una persona pacífica por naturaleza. Tiendo a distraerme y enojarme fácilmente porque la vida no es "justa", o a agitarme cuando las cosas no salen exactamente como las había planeado. Tengo defectos. Sin embargo, mucho más grande que esto es que también soy amada. Por encima de todo, Cristo ha dado su vida por mí. Le debo a Él hacer lo mejor que pueda para tratar de encontrar la paz interior pero a menudo es una batalla. Mi mente se acelera por la noche, pensando en lo que podría salir mal. Al escuchar la palabra de Dios me calmo y recuerdo quién soy realmente. Al dedicarle mi tiempo en oración y buenas obras, Él me rejuvenece, como el Agua Viva que le declara a la mujer samaritana.
Divine Mercy Sunday: Chapter 20 of the Gospel of John emphasizes Peace and the Holy Spirit abiding within us. Christ's first word following His death is "Peace". I do not find that I am naturally a peaceful person. I tend to get easily distracted and upset by life not being "fair", or agitated when things do not go exactly as I had planned. I am flawed. Yet so much greater than this is that I am also loved. Above all else, Christ has laid down his life for me. I owe it to Him to do my best to try to find an inner peace. It is often a battle. My mind races at night, dwelling on what might go wrong. It is by listening to the word of God that I calmed down and am reminded of who I really am. Through dedicating my time to Him in prayer and good deeds, He will rejuvenate me, like the Living Water He declares to the Samaritan woman.